Lisa Warshaw ~ Real Estate Professional

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The Rich Art Culture of Claremont

Art is an integral piece of Claremont’s history and heritage. For over 70 years, Claremont artists have contributed to the unique identity of this vibrant community. Many artists were inspired by the rich culture of Claremont and even called it “home.” Millard Sheets, Sam Maloof, Milford Zornes, Betty Davenport Ford, Melvin Wood, Harrison McIntosh, and Karl Benjamin are only some of Claremont’s well known artists. Residents share the fundamental belief that art enhances lives and benefits the community. People are drawn to and invest in cities that offer a well-rounded connection to arts and cultural activities. Creative cities provide engaging environments for its residents and visitors, which in turn attracts individuals and businesses willing to support and carry on that vision. It encourages economic strength while preserving the community’s history. Claremont’s artistic culture embraces a rich variety of mediums from watercolor, pottery, woodworking, and sculpture in stone, bronze and ceramic, to mosaic, textiles as well as oil and acrylic painting. Throughout Claremont, no matter where one visits, there is art in one form or another nearby. To view an exhibit of Claremont’s many artists in one location, The Claremont Museum of Art showcases several artists with a permanent collection including the above mentioned artists as well as Jean Ames, Richard and Alice Petterson, Alfredo Ramos Martinez, and so many more. Art enthusiasts are welcome every first Saturday of the month to join other community members for the “Claremont Art Walk” from 6-9pm and enjoy local artists in local galleries. So many wonderful opportunities to immerse any art lover exists and thrive in the spirited community of Claremont.

For more information on The Claremont Museum of Art visit: or call 909-621-3200. Located at 200 W. First Street in the Claremont Depot

For more information on the Claremont Art Walk visit: